$660.00 AUD

9 monthly payments

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Momentum VIP Mastermind - Extended Payment Plan

6 Months 1:1 and group coaching and support with Laura Banks 

Created to help you cut through overwhelm, master your mindset and be in consistent action to grow your coaching business.

The Momentum Mastermind is your VIP all access pass to my eyes, brain and heart on your business. As well as six months membership to Momentum you'll also receive: 

6 x 1:1 coaching calls for the highest level of my support on your mindset and business (this meets the requirement for BYCA certification)

A private small group communication channel where you can connect and access accountability, support and coaching between sessions.

Monthly masterclasses designed to provide practical and tailored support to help you with mindset and practical business skills (think niche, messaging, copy and content and more).

Plus six months membership to Momentum, including:

Weekly hot-seat coaching calls: your opportunity to receive personalised 1:1 mindset and business coaching support (with the last week of every month to integrate).

A call library with all call recordings and the ability to submit questions before calls if you can't attend live.

 Resources: An evolving library of videos, audios, guest interviews, masterclasses and more to help you with the internal (mindset, energy, nervous system) and external (strategy and action) foundations of starting and growing your business

 A maximum of six mastermind spaces are available at one time. 


Momentum exists to help you cut through overwhelm so you can be in consistent action to grow your business in a way that is right for you.